This painting represents all of the colorful thoughts and actions that spring from the mind of a person that lives in color! It's also my first 3D painting. Yes, each one of those flowers is a separate flower, on top of another and another, over 400! I'm not very good at painting around things with good results so I just kept piling it on. LOL. Sort of like my life I think LOL.
Many hats, many many hats. Too many!
One of those hats is a jewelry designer and I think I tried to escape that arena but realized that somehow things always lead back to the Jewelry and I guess that makes sense because that's where I started in the first place. Finding a new way to express my art with the Jewelry always seems to be the route.
Today I had my first Jewelry Party in a year. It was absolutely amazing. The turn out was far more than expected and the inspiration and love in the room opened my brain up to so many possibilities. Even the ride to the party was unique as it was on a long country rode that I'd never even known existed. And of course I was ready with camera in hand
for the ride!
Many hats, many many hats. Too many!
One of those hats is a jewelry designer and I think I tried to escape that arena but realized that somehow things always lead back to the Jewelry and I guess that makes sense because that's where I started in the first place. Finding a new way to express my art with the Jewelry always seems to be the route.
Today I had my first Jewelry Party in a year. It was absolutely amazing. The turn out was far more than expected and the inspiration and love in the room opened my brain up to so many possibilities. Even the ride to the party was unique as it was on a long country rode that I'd never even known existed. And of course I was ready with camera in hand
for the ride!

The party was a smashing success. New friends and customers, and another party booked. All in all it was a good day, Mother Nature again showed herself and gave some love :-)
I've also decided to start doing my weekly Article in a new way. Less clicking! It's now apart of my newsletter and so far the response has been amazing!
You can view it here
How was your day? I hope you are Living in Color and Loving every minute of it!
I've also decided to start doing my weekly Article in a new way. Less clicking! It's now apart of my newsletter and so far the response has been amazing!
You can view it here
How was your day? I hope you are Living in Color and Loving every minute of it!