The Winners of the 'Interpret This Dream' Contest are... (playing a drum roll in my mind)
Beverly Rhett
Anonymous said...
Hi Stephanie,
Beverly Rhett here. In looking at your painting, I get a sense of longing for an uncomplicated time in one's life. The forest full of trees to me, represents The Garden of Eden, but devoid of Adam (Man). So, I think it means a life free of the drama that men bring or, anticipation of meeting a new man and starting anew. That's my interpretation and I'm sticking to it!
I would title it "On Higher Ground" It is about a woman who has struggled through life. She has made mistakes, but learned the important lessons in life. Now, she is rising above the muck of "human errors" and on her steady path up (the painting shows her walking up a hill) through a lovely meadow surrounded by lush trees and flowers, she realizes the journey has been worth it. She has come from the darkness of humanity into the light of understanding. She is almost at the end of her climb with the realization that "things" don't matter, how we handle our "experiences" with "people" is what matters. :o)
I believe she is taking a path from darkness to sunlight. She is bettering her life. She is making a positive choice.
Okay so here's the thing... you know I can be wishy washy and this is no different. Everyone's interpretation had a bit of what it was all about. So even though the above 3 won the major prizes, everyone else that participated in this Contest will receive a pair of earrings! :-) I'm so touched by the interpretations. It's like you feel me! And it shows the positive energy floating around between us!
Congratulations! Please send me your address at diviacity@diviacity.com
Next Contest Announced in a couple of days!