Hey there! What you up to? Well I have to tell you guys, it's been a tremendous day in the most ordinary way. If that makes sense LOL. I woke up in sort of a fog. Not really motivated or inspired. I wanted to spend the day creating and working on projects but couldn't get there in my head so instead decided to hit the road. Every once in a while I find inspiration in my own neighborhood but today was a little different. I started by traveling a back road only a couple of miles away and connecting with nature.

What a beautiful and refreshing space to be in.

Slowly I felt the fog lifting from my brain making way for creative thoughts and motivation. While I admit to being addicted to the Ocean, trees are mountain views are definitely high second on my list.

And finally to send me right off into LaLa I'm a Believer land...
Can you believe this!

I thought I was seeing things and had to go back around LOL

I guess the point is, Inspiration can be found everywhere, we just have to look closely.