Today I had to stop and give a mental toast to the SisterGirls in my Life. Having people who truly care about you and 'have your back' is a true blessing! As my life has changed in my effort to work out my dreams (and believe me it has been an emotional loop after 30 years of Corporate Craziness), my SisterGirls have been there, sometimes physically, sometimes, mentally, by phone, email, a visit. They are always motivating and inspiring me to continue on. They've listened to me rejoice and cry. They've seen me with my hair sticking straight up from stress (looking like a crazed jungle woman) or laid lumpy and gray (because I couldn't make it to the hairdresser! LOL). They know things about me that no one else will every know. They've seen me through Man Burn. They share secrets with me and trust that they will remain secrets. I've seen them looking crazy and wondered if anyone else had seen them looking like that. They fed me when I couldn't afford to buy a meal and told me to stop acting crazy when I started spinning in circles from trying to do way too much! I could go on, but I'm sure by now you get the pic. I love my SisterGirls. We all have very different lives but we have one common thread, Heart. I hope all women have true SisterGirls.

One new SisterGirl after I'd commented that "Life is too short..." stopped me, and said "Don't Say Life is too Short (I know what u mean) but Say Life is Long. You're an Amazing Creative Lady with much 2 Give the World Live Long." I never looked at it like that, but I thank her (A.S.) for that turn in my outlook. I wish all my SisterGirls long colorful lifes. And more than that just that they experience the kind of piece and inner warmth that only living good (if only mentally and spiritually) can offer.