Thats me having a blast in Monterey, Giving it to the Ocean!
Well I am back and I tell you, there is nothing like just dropping life down an level and chilling all the way out! The water at Monterey was just amazingly beautiful and fresh, the energy was amazing and I've already painted about 5 new paintings in my head. Look at these beautiful picturesThis is the View from the Balcony of our Room
Me and My daughter getting used to the cool water
LOL, that's my daughter, soaking up Nature I'd say LOL
You know I always have to show the food LOL.
This is Crab Benedict breakfast...Yummmmmm
This is Crab Benedict breakfast...Yummmmmm

So have you ever seen one of these machine in a mall or other location?
It's worth the few dollars. It really is. A wonderful Water Massage without removing your clothes or getting wet! The relaxation was tremendous!

My Message in the Sand!

Fly High Baby, Fly High!
(That's my other Message LOL)

I think I'm in love with my Camera LOL.
Okay, so here I am in the Chamber LOL. Loving this!

So this was us celebrating the End of Summer and the Beginning of Fall.
I had to stop LOL...I realized I took...listen to this...305 pictures from Friday Afternoon til Saturday Afternoon. Wow! Getting some use out of that Kodak! Needless to say,
Monterey was absolutely fabulous and I now have at least 5 paintings stored in my brain. I'm painting right now but have stepped away from the Ocean and into the Jungle. This is a big stretch for me. Most of my paintings are centered around the Ocean. There is a message but most of them have a message of some sort I guess. I guess all Art contains some sort of message. The love the person put into it, the depth of where they went when they created the Art. Ever heard someone sing so beautiful brought you to tears? That person probably put their soul into that song. Maybe you've seen Art that drew you in or an Actor play a part so well you were almost convinced they were the person. One day I watched as a lady put together a TuTu. No joke, I was taken in with the love she was putting into those things. Before long I was joking about her making one for me (now that would be a good way to traumatize a whole bunch of people at once LOL). It was her love for her Craft that came through. That's putting soul in it!
Love stepping out of the Box.