Diva's Got A Brand New Bag!

I guess I'm all for creating a unique look with everything I do LOL. So during one of those "Phases" I've talked about before, I became a Cigar Box collecting fool.

The more unusual they were, the more I loved them. Since I new where I was going with it I only collected the nice wooden ones. Even though I don't smoke the neighborhood Cigar store became one of my favorite stops for a while LOL. You know you're doing too much when the people not only working in the store, but visiting, know you on site LOL. So needless to say, I have lots of those things still hanging around. But I do like to pull them out every once in a while, dig through my Jumbo Zip bag of purse handles, hinges and other metal adornment and create a fun box or purse. The ones shown here were all created for other people. The top one was for a lady to give as a gift to her niece. What fun that was. Oh here's the other side of that one.

This one I made for a lady that dreamed of a Pink Harley. It's called Harley Girl. It says Dream on the top. The top is a glass door knob. It's fun to put those small locks on these.

This one was a part of a Bridal Set. This was for her to keep her Garter and other small items in. I also made their Wedding Books. They were very happy, whew, so was I. I guess I kinda get attached to everything until it is out of my site...and then I just look at pictures every once in a while LOL.

Every once in a while I would pull out the Sewing Machine and go at it. LOL. Usually it was purses, but I have ventured into other things at times LOL. When my daughter was in Kindgergarten and First Grade I made everything from clothes, to pajamas to Comforters LOL. Wow... those were the days. Now, I look at the Sewing Machine a lot and sometimes I move it to psyche myself out!

Heavy duty! Trust me. Okay okay, I made this one from Upholstery Fabric :-)
I made the strap especially for carrying it over the shoulder

Here's the back of it

Oh well, back to the Canvas.
Thank you for showing me some Blog Love.


Steph Jordan Artist has been creating unique creations since childhood. Mixed Media Art is her life. From teaching unique workshops to creating promotional items and more Steph makes high end costume jewelry,paints colorful imaginative art and makes things shine.