Well I'm in a creative whirl wind now. I have started at least 3 projects today LOL and posted a new Video on YouTube...which brings me to the point of this post. :-)

I've posted a video (Fabulicious Sun Catchers) showing you a fast and easy technique for creating your own Fabulous Sun Catchers. Its a lot of fun and it is so calming and relaxing to do.

Check it out


Have a Colorful Day!

By the way....I love sharing resources. If you have a blog or store you'd like to share please leave me a comment with the link. I'll be glad to post it here too :-)


Steph Jordan Artist has been creating unique creations since childhood. Mixed Media Art is her life. From teaching unique workshops to creating promotional items and more Steph makes high end costume jewelry,paints colorful imaginative art and makes things shine.